Homeland2015 is a Success

The end of August was highlighted by our Communion’s Chaplains Conference. The theme of this year’s conference was, Homeland, Protecting the Hearts of Veterans and Caregivers. The conference was hosted by the generosity of St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church in Orlando, Florida. The main themes of the gathering of C.E.E.C. Chaplains was Post Traumatic Stress and the effects of Moral Injury to an individual from the battlefield and other environments. Our chaplains left the meetings with a greater sense of unity and understanding of the challenges that confront their ministry. Those attending from left to right were;

Archbishop David Scott
Father Scott Bennion
Father Diego Londono
Father Chris Turner
Chaplain Richard Smith
Father Lucas Small
Chaplain Cliff Edwards
Chaplain Noel Dawes with the WHI Project
Father Benjamin McEntire
Presiding Bishop Charles Travis